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7.1 Ginkgo

Ginkgo is the testing framework that we use for writing our test cases. It helps us write expressive testing specifications, organize our tests into well-defined categories, and describe expected behavior cleanly within each test.

Before proceeding, we recommend reading through the basic tests in client_test.go, especially the first few ones, since those are well-documented in-line. Then, come back to this documentation.

Basic Usage

You should be able to write most of your tests using some combination of calls to –

  1. Initialization methods (e.g. client.InitUser, client.GetUser)
  2. User-specific methods (e.g. alice.StoreFile, bob.LoadFile)
  3. Declarations of expected behavior (e.g. Expect(err).To(BeNil()))

Asserting Expected Behavior

To assert expected behavior, you may want to check (a) that an error did or didn’t occur, and/or (b) that some data was what you expected it to be. For example:

// Check that an error didn't occur
alice, err := client.InitUser("alice", "password")

// Check that an error didn't occur
err = alice.StoreFile("alice.txt", []byte("hello world"))

// Check that an error didn't occur AND that the data is what we expect
data, err := alice.LoadFile("alice.txt")
Expect(data).To(Equal([]byte("hello world")))

// Check that an error DID occur
data, err := alice.LoadFile("rubbish.txt")

Organizing Tests

You can organize tests using some combination of Describe(...) containers, with tests contained within Specify(...) blocks. The more organization you have, the better! Read more about how to organize your tests here.

Advanced Usage

Measure Local Test Coverage

To measure and visualize local test coverage (e.g. how many lines of your implementation your test file hits), you can run these commands in the root folder of your repository:

go test -v -coverpkg ./... ./... -coverprofile cover.out
go tool cover -html=cover.out

Coverage over your own implementation may serve as an indicator for how well your code will perform (with regards to coverage flags) when compared to the staff implementation! It should also help you write better unit testing to catch edge cases.

Run Tests in Parallel

If you’d like to run tests in parallel, the Ginkgo CLI supports this here. You’ll need to install the CLI locally, though.